Additional ``linearsolve`` Functions ==================================== .. py:function::,p,eps,s0=None) Simulates a model in the following form: .. math:: u_t &= fs_t + \epsilon_{t} \\ .. math:: s_{t+1} &= ps_t \\ where :math:`s_t` is an (n_states x 1) vector of state variables, :math:`u_t` is an (n_costates x 1) vector of costate variables, and :math:`\epsilon_t` is an (n_states x 1) vector of exogenous shocks. :param f: Coefficnent matrix of appropriate size :type f: Numpy.ndarray :param p: Coefficnent matrix of appropriate size :type p: Numpy.ndarray :param eps: T x n_states array of exogenous shocks. :type eps: Numpy.ndarray or list :param s0: 1 x n_states array of zeros of initial state value. Optional; Default: 0. :type s0: Numpy.ndarray or list :returns: Array containing two arrays: one corresponding to simulated :math:`u_t` values and the other to simulated :math:`s_t` values. :rtype: Numpy.ndarray .. py:function:: linearsolve.klein(a=None,b=None,c=None,phi=None,n_states=None,eigenvalue_warnings=True) Solves linear dynamic models with the form of: .. math:: A E_tx_{t+1} = Bx_t + Cz_t with :math:`x_t = [s_t; u_t]` where :math:`s_t` is a vector of predetermined (state) variables and :math:`u_t` is a vector of nonpredetermined costate variables. :math:`z_t` is a vector of exogenous forcing variables with autocorrelation matrix :math:`\Phi`. The solution to the model is a set of matrices :math:`f, n, p, l` such that: .. math:: u_t = fs_t + nz_t .. math:: s_{t+1} = ps_t + lz_t. The solution algorithm is based on Klein (2000) and his solab.m Matlab program. :param a: Coefficient matrix on future-dated variables :type a: Numpy.ndarray :param b: Coefficient matrix on current-dated variables :type b: Numpy.ndarray :param p: Coefficient matrix on exogenous forcing variables :type p: Numpy.ndarray :param phi: Autocorrelation of exogenous forcing variables :type phi: Numpy.ndarray or list :param n_states: number of state variables :type n_states: int :param eigenvalue_warnings: Whether to print warnings that there are too many or few eigenvalues. Default: True :type log_linear: bool :returns: * **f** (:py:obj:`Numpy.ndarray`) - Coefficient matrix on state vector in control equation * **p** (:py:obj:`Numpy.ndarray`) - Coefficient matrix on state vector in state equation * **n** (:py:obj:`Numpy.ndarray`) - Coefficient matrix on forcing vector in control equation * **l** (:py:obj:`Numpy.ndarray`) - Coefficient matrix on forcing vector in state equation * **stab** (:py:class:`int`) - Indicates solution stability and uniqueness. stab =1: too many stable eigenvalues, stab = -1: too few stable eigenvalues, stab = 0: just enough stable eigenvalues * **eig** (:py:obj:`Numpy.ndarray`) - Generalized eigenvalues from the Schur decomposition